General form of registration statement for all companies including face-amount certificate companies

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
12 Months Ended
May 31, 2024
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies  
Principles of Consolidation

Principles of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of CytoDyn Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary, CytoDyn Operations Inc. Intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation.

Going Concern

Going Concern

The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates realization of assets and satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. As presented in the accompanying consolidated financial statements, the Company had losses for all periods presented. The Company incurred a net loss of $49.8 million and $79.8 million for the fiscal years ended May 31, 2024, and 2023, respectively, and has an accumulated deficit of approximately $891.5 million as of May 31, 2024. These factors, among others, including the various matters discussed in Note 10, Commitments and Contingencies, raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability of assets and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern.

The Company’s continuance as a going concern is dependent upon its ability to obtain additional operating capital, complete the development of its product candidate, leronlimab, obtain approval to commercialize leronlimab from regulatory agencies, continue to outsource manufacturing of leronlimab, and ultimately generate revenues and attain profitability. The Company plans to continue to engage in research and development activities related to leronlimab and a new or modified longer-acting therapeutic for multiple indications and expects to incur significant research and development expenses in the future, primarily related to its regulatory compliance, including performing additional pre-clinical and clinical studies in various indications, and seeking regulatory approval for its product candidate for commercialization. These research and development activities are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. The Company intends to finance its future development activities and its working capital needs primarily from the sale of equity and debt securities, combined with additional funding from other sources. However, there can be no assurance that the Company will be successful in these endeavors.

Use of Estimates

Use of Estimates

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“U.S. GAAP” or “GAAP”) requires management to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of consolidated financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Estimates are assessed each period and updated to reflect current information, such as the status of our analysis of the results of our clinical trials and/or discussions with the FDA, which could have an impact on the Company’s significant accounting estimates and assumptions. The Company’s estimates are based on historical experience and on various other assumptions that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Significant estimates include, but are not limited to, those relating to stock-based compensation, the assumptions used to value warrants and warrant modifications. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Cash and Restricted Cash

Cash and Restricted Cash

Cash is maintained at federally insured financial institutions and, at times, balances may exceed federally insured limits. The Company has never experienced any losses related to cash balances. Balances in excess of federally insured limits were approximately $2.9 million of the cash balance and approximately $6.7 million of the restricted cash balance at May 31, 2024. Balances in excess of federally insured limits were approximately $2.3 million of the cash balance and approximately $5.5 million of the restricted cash balance at May 31, 2023.

As of May 31, 2024, the Company recorded approximately $6.7 million of restricted cash. The restricted cash balance is related to cash held as collateral in connection with a surety bond that was posted as required in the litigation with Amarex Clinical Research, LLC (“Amarex”) and will remain as restricted cash until the litigation is resolved. On July 2, 2024, the legal matter was resolved and the surety bond was released to the Company, in full, as part of the settlement agreement.



Capitalized Pre-launch Inventories

Pre-launch inventories comprised raw materials required to commercially produce leronlimab and substantially completed commercially produced leronlimab in anticipation of commercial sales of the product upon potential regulatory approval as a combination therapy for HIV patients in the United States, and potential emergency use authorizations for COVID-19. The Company’s pre-launch inventories consisted of (1) raw materials purchased for commercial production, (2) work-in-progress materials which consist of bulk drug substance, which is the manufactured drug stored in bulk storage, and (3) drug product, which is the manufactured drug in unlabeled vials. The consumption of raw materials during production is classified as work-in-progress until saleable. Once it is determined to be in saleable condition, following regulatory approval, inventory is classified as finished goods. Inventories, net of write-offs had a zero balance for the fiscal years ended May 31, 2024 and 2023.

The Company capitalizes inventories procured or produced in preparation for product launches. Typically, capitalization of such inventory begins when the results of clinical trials have reached a status sufficient to support regulatory approval, uncertainties regarding ultimate regulatory approval have been significantly reduced, and the Company has determined it is probable that these capitalized costs will provide future economic benefit in excess of capitalized costs. The material factors considered by the Company in evaluating these uncertainties include the receipt and analysis of positive Phase 3 clinical trial results for the underlying product candidate, results from meetings with the relevant regulatory authorities prior to the filing of regulatory applications, and status of the Company’s regulatory applications. The Company closely monitors the status of the product within the regulatory review and approval process, including all relevant communications with regulatory authorities. If the Company becomes aware of any specific material risks or contingencies other than the normal regulatory review and approval process or if there are any specific issues identified relating to safety, efficacy, manufacturing, marketing, or labeling, it may make a determination that the related inventory no longer qualifies for capitalization.

The Company determines whether raw materials purchased for commercial production are usable for production based on the manufacturer’s assigned expiration date. In evaluating whether raw materials included in the pre-launch inventories will be usable for production, the Company takes into account the shelf-life of raw materials at the time they are expected to be used in manufacturing. Any raw materials past expiration date at the time of the next manufacturing run are removed from inventory.

As one stage of the manufacturing process, the Company produces work-in-progress materials which consist of bulk drug substance, which is the manufactured drug stored in bulk storage. The initial shelf-life of bulk drug substance is established based on periodically performed stability studies and is set at four years from the date of manufacturing. Bulk drug substance is subject to deep freeze stability studies performed on a periodic basis in accordance with the established stability protocols. If drug substance meets suitability criteria beyond the initial shelf-life, its shelf-life is extended by another four years. Regardless of the number of stability studies performed, if drug substance continues to meet prespecified suitability parameters it may be used in manufacturing; if drug substance fails to meet suitability criteria beyond its assigned shelf-life at that time, it may no longer be used and is considered to be expired.

The Company utilizes resins, a reusable raw material, in its bulk drug manufacturing process. Shelf-life of a resin used in commercial manufacturing of biologics is determined by the number of cycles for which it has been validated to be used in a manufacturing process before it is considered unusable. Unpacked and unused resins have a manufacturer’s expiration date by which resins are expected to start being used in the manufacturing process without loss of their properties. Prior to a new manufacturing campaign, and between manufacturing campaigns, the resins are removed from storage and are treated and tested for suitability. Once resins are used in the manufacturing process, their shelf-life is measured by a validated predetermined number of manufacturing cycles they are usable for, conditional on appropriate storage solution under controlled environment between production campaigns, as

well as by performing pre-production usability testing. Before a manufacturing campaign, each resin is tested for suitability. Regardless of the number of cycles, if a resin fails to meet prespecified suitability parameters it may not be used in manufacturing; likewise, even if the resin meets suitability criteria beyond the lifetime cycles, it may no longer be used. The cost of the resins used in a manufacturing campaign is allocated to the cost of the drug product in vials.

The Company values its inventory at the lower of cost or net realizable value using the average cost method. Inventory is evaluated for recoverability by considering the likelihood that revenue will be obtained from the future sale of the related inventory considering the status of the product within the regulatory approval process. The Company evaluates its inventory levels on a quarterly basis and writes down inventory that became obsolete, has a cost in excess of its expected net realizable value, or is in quantities in excess of expected requirements. In assessing the lower of cost or net realizable value for pre-launch inventory, the Company relies on independent analyses provided by third parties knowledgeable about the range of likely commercial prices comparable to current comparable commercial product. Quarterly, the Company also evaluates whether certain raw materials held in its inventory are expected to reach the end of their estimated shelf-lives based on passage of time, the number of manufacturing cycles they are used in and results of pre-production testing prior to the expected production date, or when resins used in the manufacturing process fail suitability tests. If any of such events occur, the Company may make a determination to record a charge if it is expected that such inventories will become obsolete prior to the expected production date.

Anticipated future sales, shelf lives, and expected approval date are considered when evaluating realizability of capitalized inventory. The shelf-life of a product is determined as part of the regulatory approval process; however, in assessing whether to capitalize pre-launch inventories, the Company considers the product stability data for all of the pre-approval inventory procured or produced to date to determine whether there is adequate shelf-life. When the remaining shelf-life of drug product inventory is less than 12 months, it is likely that it will not be accepted by potential customers. However, as inventories approach their shelf-life expiration, the Company may perform additional stability testing to determine if the inventory is still viable, which can result in an extension of its shelf-life and re-evaluation of the need for and the amount of the previously recorded reserves. Further, in addition to performing additional stability testing, certain raw materials inventory may be sold in its then current condition prior to reaching expiration. If the Company determines that it is not likely that shelf-life may be extended or the inventory cannot be sold prior to expiration, the Company may record a charge to bring inventory to its net realizable value. See Note 3, Inventories, net, for more information.

Research and Development

Research and Development

Research and development costs are expensed as incurred. Clinical trial costs incurred through third parties are expensed commensurate with the contracted work performed. Contingent milestone payments that are due to third parties under research and development collaboration arrangements or other contractual agreements are expensed when the milestone conditions are probable and the payment amount is reasonably estimable. See Note Error! Reference source not found.0, Commitments and Contingencies for additional discussion.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The Company’s financial instruments consist primarily of cash, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, and debt. As of May 31, 2024, the carrying value of the Company’s assets and liabilities approximate their fair value due to the short-term maturity of the instruments. Debt is reported at amortized cost in the consolidated balance sheets which approximate fair value. The remaining financial instruments are reported in the consolidated balance sheets at amounts that approximate current fair values. The fair value hierarchy specifies three levels of inputs that may be used to measure fair value as follows:

Level 1. Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2. Observable inputs other than Level 1 prices, such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities, quoted prices in markets with insufficient volume or infrequent transactions (less active markets), or model-derived valuations in which all significant inputs are observable or can be derived principally from or corroborated with observable market data for substantially the full term of the assets or liabilities. Level 2 inputs also include non-binding market consensus prices that can be corroborated with observable market data, as well as quoted prices that were adjusted for security-specific restrictions.
Level 3. Unobservable inputs to the valuation methodology which are significant to the measurement of the fair value of assets or liabilities. These Level 3 inputs also include non-binding market consensus prices or non-binding broker quotes that cannot be corroborated with observable market data.

In accordance with the prescribed accounting guidance, the Company measured the fair value of the liability classified warrants using the fair value hierarchy during the fiscal years ended May 31, 2024, and 2023.



Operating lease right-of-use (“ROU”) assets are included in other non-current assets and the current portion of operating lease liabilities are included in accrued liabilities and compensation on the consolidated balance sheets. The long-term operating lease liabilities are presented separately as operating leases on the consolidated balance sheets. Lease ROU assets and liabilities are recognized based on the present value of the future minimum lease payments over the lease term at commencement date. As the Company’s leases do not provide an implicit rate, the Company uses its incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at commencement date in determining the present value of future payments. The operating lease ROU asset also includes any lease payments made and excludes lease incentives and initial direct costs incurred. The Company’s lease terms do not include options to extend or terminate the lease as it is not reasonably certain that it would exercise these options. Lease expense for minimum lease payments is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

Stock-Based Compensation

Stock-Based Compensation

U.S. GAAP requires companies to measure the cost of services received in exchange for the award of equity instruments based on their fair value at the date of grant. The related expense is recognized over the period during which services are expected to be performed in exchange for the award (requisite service period), when designated milestones have been achieved or when pre-defined performance conditions are met.

The Company values its stock-based awards using the Black-Scholes option pricing model utilizing assumptions that include stock price volatility, expected term of the award, and risk-free interest rates. The Company estimates forfeitures at the time of grant and makes revisions in subsequent periods, if necessary, if actual forfeitures differ from those estimates. The Company estimated future unvested forfeitures at zero for all periods presented.



The Company historically issued promissory notes at a discount and incurred direct debt issuance costs. Debt discount and issuance costs are netted against the debt and amortized over the life of the promissory note.



The Company accounts for warrants as either equity-classified or liability-classified instruments based on an assessment of the warrant’s specific terms and applicable authoritative guidance included in ASC 480, Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity and ASC 815, Derivatives and Hedging. The assessment considers whether the warrants are freestanding financial instruments pursuant to ASC 480, whether the warrants meet the definition of a liability pursuant to ASC 480, and whether the warrants meet all of the requirements for equity classification under ASC 815. This assessment, which requires the use of professional judgment, is conducted at the time of warrant issuance and as of each subsequent quarterly period end date while the warrants are outstanding. Warrants that meet all of the criteria for equity classification are required to be recorded as a component of additional paid-in capital at the time of issuance. For issued or modified warrants that do not meet all the criteria for equity classification, the warrants are required to be recorded at their initial fair value on the date of issuance and remeasured each balance sheet date thereafter.

Offering Costs

Offering Costs

The Company periodically incurs direct incremental costs associated with the sale of shares of common stock and warrants to purchase shares of common stock; refer to Note 6, Private Placements of Common Stock and Warrants for additional information. The costs are recorded as a component of equity upon receipt of the proceeds if the security is classified as equity when the sale occurs or expensed as issuance costs if the security is classified as a liability when the sale occurs.

Income Taxes

Income Taxes

Deferred taxes are recorded using the asset and liability method, whereby deferred tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences and operating loss and tax credit carry forwards; deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences. Temporary differences are the differences between the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax basis. Future tax benefits for net operating loss carryforwards are recognized to the extent that realization of these benefits is considered more likely than not. Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when it is more likely than not that some portion or all the deferred tax assets will not be realized.

The Company follows the provisions of ASC 740-10, Uncertainty in Income Taxes. A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized tax benefits has not been provided since there are no unrecognized benefits for all periods presented. The Company has not recognized interest expense or penalties from the implementation of ASC 740-10. If there were an unrecognized tax

benefit, the Company would recognize interest accrued related to unrecognized tax benefit in interest expense and penalties in operating expenses.

In accordance with Section 15 of the Internal Revenue Code, the Company utilized a federal statutory rate of 21% for our fiscal 2024 and 2023 tax years. The net tax expense for the fiscal years ended May 31, 2024, and 2023, was zero. As of May 31, 2024, and 2023, the Company has a full valuation allowance as management does not consider it more likely than not that the benefits from the deferred tax assets will be realized.

Basic and Diluted Net Loss Per Share

Basic and Diluted Net Loss Per Share

The Company calculates basic net loss per share by dividing the net loss by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period, without consideration of potential dilutive securities. Diluted net loss per share is computed by dividing the net loss by the sum of the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period plus the dilutive effects of potentially dilutive securities outstanding during the period. Potentially dilutive securities include warrants to purchase shares of common stock and stock options. The Company has generated a net loss for all periods presented, therefore diluted net loss per share is the same as basic net loss per share since the inclusion of potentially dilutive securities would be anti-dilutive.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In July 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued Accounting Standards Update ("ASU") 2023-03“Presentation of Financial Statements (Topic 205), Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income (Topic 220), Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity (Topic 480), Equity (Topic 505), and Compensation - Stock Compensation (Topic 718): Amendments to SEC Paragraphs Pursuant to SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 120, SEC Staff Announcement at the March 24, 2022 EITF Meeting, and Staff Accounting Bulletin Topic 6.B, Accounting Series Release 280 - General Revision of Regulation S-X: Income or Loss Applicable to Common Stock” (“ASU 2023-03”). This ASU amends various paragraphs in the accounting codification pursuant to the issuance of Commission Staff Bulletin ("SAB") number 120. ASU 2023-03 does not provide any new guidance and is immediately effective. ASU 2023-03 did not have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements.

In October 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-06, Disclosure Improvements – Codification Amendments in Response to the SEC’s Disclosure Update and Simplification Initiative. The amendments clarify or improve disclosure and presentation requirements on various disclosure areas, including the statement of cash flows, earnings per share, debt, equity, and derivatives. The amendments will align the requirements in the FASB ASC with the SEC’s regulations. The amendments in this ASU will be effective on the date the related disclosures are removed from Regulation S-X or Regulation S-K by the SEC and will not be effective if the SEC has not removed the applicable disclosure requirement by June 30, 2027. Early adoption is prohibited. The Company is currently evaluating the impact of the amendments on its financial statement disclosures.

In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07, Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures (“ASU 2023-07”). The standard is intended to improve annual and interim reportable segment disclosure requirements regardless of the number of reporting units, primarily through enhanced disclosure of significant expenses. The amendment requires public entities to disclose significant segment expenses that are regularly provided to the CODM and included with each reported measure of segment profit and loss. The standard is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2023. Early adoption is permitted and the amendments in this update should be applied retrospectively to all periods presented. ASU 2023-07 did not have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements.

On December 14, 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-09, Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures, which requires disclosure of disaggregated income taxes paid, prescribes standard categories for the components of the effective tax rate reconciliation, and modifies other income tax-related disclosures. The ASU is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024, and allows for adoption on a prospective basis, with a retrospective option. The Company is currently evaluating the effect of this update on its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures.