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Income Taxes - Net Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)

Income Taxes - Net Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details) - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
May 31, 2023
May 31, 2022
Components of Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities    
Net operating loss $ 96,338 $ 106,965
Credits 2,063 2,063
ASC 718 expense on non-qualified stock options 6,400 6,057
Charitable contribution carry forward 0 14
Accrued vacation and payroll 21 68
Right of use asset (84) (112)
Lease liability 89 117
Inventory charges 6,173 2,138
Inventory write-off 13,739 0
Issued warrants 2,317 0
Section 174 R&D costs 858 0
Accrued legal settlements 13 0
Accrued legal fees 3 0
Accrued expenses 36 89
Amortization 609 238
Fixed assets 4 1
Valuation allowance (128,579) (117,638)
Deferred tax asset, non-current 0 0
Non-current asset 128,579 117,638
Valuation allowance (128,579) (117,638)
Deferred tax asset (liability) non-current 0 0
Net operating loss $ 458,800 $ 509,400